Monday, January 25, 2010

clear up, fair queen, that cloudy countenance ~ titus andronicus

After a daunting four days, I can finally see the silver lining and it is resplendent.

It was brought to my attention that it seems as if I am the every-always-optimist and that it's alright to have worldly days of disappointment; days when life just sucks and your brows stay furrowed.

How much brighter life seems with arched brows and rosy cheeks though!

  • mood starting lifting around 7:12pm.
  • Candance, Brooke and I went wedding dress shopping with Jess. Fourth dress was THE ONE. Gorgeous.
  • smuggled champagne into the bridal shop.
  • then realized all we had to conceal the liquid contraband were red, plastic, SOLO cups. could we be any more obvious?
  • drinks, dinner & a little bit of girl time afterwards.


  • didn't sleep well Friday night, went to bed at 2am.
  • woke up at 8am due to a restless night of sleep.
  • dragged myself to the noon o'clock auditions for Fat Pig with Groundworks Theatre.
  • 12:33pm - have to leave auditions early because of 1:00 rehearsal for SWING! (the auditions went till 5:00pm) I only got to read twice for the role of Jeannie because I had to leave early.
  • frustration sets in.
  • outlook not so great for getting the role, due to lack of audition time and the fact that by 12:33pm, there were 10 other amazingly beautiful and talented girls waiting with scripts in hand for their audition slot and a shot at the same role.
  • 1:00pm - rehearsal, and my quads about to give out on me.
  • 7:08pm - completely exhausted and passed out after a 5 and a half hour rehearsal, draped across Billy's lap after two sips of chardonnay.
  • 9:44pm - muster up enough energy to go to Drifters for drinks and dinner with Billy and Dave, which turned into a party for 12.


  • 10:36am - I awoke well rested and smiling.
  • lazy morning in bed, snuggling and chatting with a simple pattern of stream of consciousness banter.
  • 11:49am - scrambled eggs and cinnamon toast. (according to Billy, the best cinnamon toast ever)
  • 1:33pm - off to rehearsal.
  • quads = still hurting, but allowing me to mark through the numbers without too much pain
  • rehearsal = extremely taxing as we were all exhausted after a long week of work and evening rehearsals. the heat was on so that we wouldn't encourage pulled muscles and other injuries upon our tired bodies.
  • all of our brains felt like the 80's commercial with the eggs and the frying pan. "This is your brain; this is your brain on drugs" - yes indeed. Our brains were the burnt eggs that didn't look appetizing.
  • 5:29pm - missed a call from the director of Fat Pig.
  • 6:39pm -return missed call.
  • 6:43pm - screaming in the car due to the excitement of being offered the role of Jeannie"!
  • 8:04 -Margarita's at Rosepepper with Mel & Dave.
  • 12:44 - turn out the light and attempt to drift off with promises of the start of a new week.

I guess sometimes those crappy days, that leave lingering pessimism on not-so-dreary days yet to come, taking away the brightness of sunshine, allow you to enjoy the freshened color palate of a brand new day, when you've been staring at a world of white for days on end.

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